Head: Angellene Hamilton
Asst: Ruth Hinds-Hoilet
Vivien Morris-Scarlett
Delroy Clarke
Norma Wallace
Sarah Williams
Jacqueline Blackwood-Martin
Sabbath School Secretaries
Head: Noeline Blackwood-Spencer
Angela Morgan
Flora Graham
Sabbath School Lower Division
Head: Sharon Davis-Pierre
Asst: Juliet Brooks
Lindsey Trim
Daphein Smith
Elaine Cartwright
Evadney Browne
The Sabbath School, the primary religious education program of the Church, has four purposes: study of the Scripture, fellowship, community outreach, and world mission emphasis. The General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department distributes the Sabbath School Bible study guide for all age levels, provides designs for Sabbath School programming within the context of the various world division cultures, provides resources and training systems for Sabbath School teachers, and promotes world mission Sabbath School offerings. “The Sabbath school is an important branch of the missionary work, not only because it gives to young and old a knowledge of God’s Word, but because it awakens in them a love for its sacred truths, and a desire to study them for themselves; above all, it teaches them to regulate their lives by its holy teachings.”—CSW 10, 11. Sabbath School Division Leaders—The church board elects a leader for each division. The Sabbath School council may appoint assistant division leaders as needed. The Sabbath School Handbook, available from the Adventist Book Center or the conference Sabbath School department, contains information about all divisions, from beginners through adult and the extension division, which cares for those unable to attend Sabbath School. Sabbath School Teachers—The Sabbath School council chooses and the church board approves Sabbath School teachers. They should have an aptitude for teaching and be willing to study ways to improve their teaching abilities. They should be diligent in preparation, regular and punctual in attendance, and examples in the daily study of the Sabbath School Bible study guide.